
The Gem Health Difference


  • Every patient has the doctor’s personal cell number
  • Appointment times can be customized to your personal needs
  • Very minimal to no waiting time
  • Same day appointments are typically available so that acute concerns can be addressed by YOUR physician
  • Convenience and efficiency because your time is just as important as ours
  • Longer appointments available whenever needed so no one feels rushed
  • We use a collaborative approach to build a strategy for your optimal health
  • Click or Call Today for more information
  • Interested patients are welcome to call and schedule a free, no-obligation meet and greet with Dr. Kuzdak

Gem Health & Wellness was developed due to the simple fact that our medical system has become dysfunctional. I have been working in health care professionally for 34 years. Twenty-six of these years as a Family Physician. I have slowly seen a paradigm shift where the emphasis on the individual has drastically changed. It eventually felt more about the hospital’s ‘bottom line’ and less about the actual reason that I have dedicated myself to medicine – helping PEOPLE.

I have decided to leave the employment model of corporate medicine behind so that I can focus more on what really counts the most – YOU. I want to spend the time getting to know each patient and truly understand all of your health concerns. Our goal is to be able to spend the time working through everything completely and not feeling rushed. We believe your time is important too. Any wait time should be minimal and every consideration with scheduling should be looked at very carefully so we treat your time with the utmost respect.

I am remaining on staff with Corewell Health and, in the very near future, will likely add on staff privileges with Ascension Health. By adopting this solo private-practice membership-based model, I am able to truly customize the approach to each individual. I will be able to accommodate patients on a same day basis often or at least within a very reasonable period of time. I realize how frustrating it can be to be told that we just ‘do not have the time’ or ‘the room for you’ and it might be best to try the ‘Urgent Care or the Emergency Room’. By becoming a part of this mission together, I am committed to delivering the highest quality and most efficient healthcare for you. With the support from all of us at Gem Health, you can be rest assured that we will do everything in our power to make sure you always feel well taken care of at every step along the way.

I have assembled an exceptional staff at Gem Health. I am proud to work with them knowing that they share my passion in always putting your healthcare first. By avoiding the traditional ‘assembly line’ mentality, we are not forced to put up walls or barriers to accessing the best possible care available. At Gem Health, we strive to deliver this to you each and every day. I firmly believe that a business created to help people should stop at nothing to do just that – no matter what it takes. I am ethically opposed to ten or fifteen-minute appointments that make everyone feel so rushed and possibly putting someone’s health in danger by potentially missing an important nuance with your health concerns.

At Gem Health, we put people first and we aim to never lose sight of that main mission. It’s even the reason our name has been chosen. I have shared my vision with patients, friends, family and colleagues over the years. I have retold the story of how I grew up in a household where my mother was famous for paying you the ultimate compliment whenever you have done something nice or if you went ‘Above and Beyond’: She would utter those words that you would love to hear – “You are such a GEM!”. My goal is that we can translate this concept to the care that we give to our patients each and every day.